Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Memorial Day weekend has come and gone. I'm sure you had one hell of an exciting extended weekend soaking up some Vitamin D, catching a tan and probably over indulging in good food, some not so healthy, and those good ol' pool side cocktails and booze!! There's nothing wrong with celebrating life and having a good time, but the discomfort comes days after when you start feeling groggy, bloated, and full of it, literally. That my friends is a sign that it's time to flush all those toxins out of your body so that you can be ready to get back on hustle mode and start your work week back with energy and enthusiasm. Don't worry, I have put together a few recipes of my favorite detox waters, which have helped me flush out lurking toxins and are quite refreshing and super satisfying to my taste buds.

What you'll need:
  •  2 lemons 
  •  2 limes
  •  1/2 small watermelon
  •  1 cucumber
  •  2 liters of purified water
  •   ice
Directions:  Dice up your watermelon, cut your limes and lemons in wedges, and slice your cucumber in circles.  Next, toss your ingredients in a large pitcher and pour 2 liters of cool water all the way to the top, allow your concoction to sit in the fridge over night so all the flavors can infuse the water.  Serve over ice when ready and drink the whole pitcher throughout the day.  You can get creative and make different types of detox waters using any of those ingredients.  For example I made three different one: lemon/lime detox water, lemon/lime/cucumber, lemon/lime/watermelon/cucumber.

All of the ingredients used serve as natural body cleansers.  For example, watermelon and cucumber contain Citruline, which is said to cause increased urination serving as a way to cleanse your body from the inside out and lemons or limes are not only vitamin C rich citrus fruits and immune system boosters, they also act as blood purifier and improve the body’'s ability to get rid of toxins.

Time to get back active and remember to take care of your body and your body will take care of you!!             
           Live Create Inspire 

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